NEW ALBUM: Paradigm Shift is now available


Welcome. My name is Mark and I'm a full-time composer, performer & producer of piano music. This happy little bio explains how we got here:

My story began just east of London, England where I learned chess at the tender age of six. I won many tournaments and multi-board exhibition games playing mostly against bewildered adults. But, seven years into the path from child prodigy to Grand-master I discovered that, when it comes to excitement and sexiness, chess is firmly on a par with basket weaving.

So my focus switched to football (soccer to my American friends). I soon developed a reputation as a prolific goalscorer, wore silly shorts and had professional tryouts. It was much more exciting. Unfortunately, it all ended prematurely due to injury and I was forced to seek other short-wearing opportunities. So, I moved to Florida and worked as a fitness trainer while studying the classics at college. I also had a lot of surgery.

While laid up in bed I taught myself piano by noodling on a keyboard and composing my own instrumentals. People seemed to love them so I self-released an album and started doing weddings and restaurant gigs. After landing a regular spot at Arthut's 27 in the Buena Vista Palace, I became a full time composer, performer and recording artist. This allowed me to share my original piano solos six nights a week with audiences from all walks of life. The highlight was when Michelle Pfeiffer sat next to me during a live performance. I have not bathed since.

After more than 1000 live performances of my original piano music, I took a long sabbatical. I obtained a real estate license which they didn't let me laminate (I'm not kidding, it's apparently illegal). A series of wonderful opportunities landed in my lap so I moved to New York City, then moved back to Florida, then back to New York City, and then back to Florida again. The general consensus is that I did this just for the going away parties.

In 2023, I started composing again, writing instrumental music for soundtracks and content. Thanks to a world-wide distribution deal I'm back to a being a full-time composer and various YouTube channels license my music. In December, my fourth studio album PARADIGM SHIFT was released, my first original work in several years.

My music is most likened to George Winston and other Windham Hill Artists. But, my personal taste is very diverse and ranges from classical to progressive metal. My biggest influences are Mozart, Pink Floyd and early Elton John; Whereas my favorite bands are Tool, Opeth and Gojra. Some people call my music new age but I prefer the term prog piano !

Outside of all this serious romantic piano stuff, I love to make people laugh and have written satire for various media over the years. I also continued to coach High School, College and Semi-pro football for a while.

My obsession with health and fitness is bordering on unhealthy. If I'm not in the gym then I'm probably watching UFC or heading to the range for some target practice. My music is too peaceful. Sometimes the other inner wolf needs feeding !

Anyway, that's the story so far...

If you like progressive, classical or new age piano music, and wish to show support, you can buy and download my albums from MY STORE powered by Bandcamp. Sure you could listen on the streaming platforms instead, But, their royalty payout is horrific and my cats will starve to death. You don't want that on your conscience do you ?

Just kidding, there's no pressure. If you don't buy my music the cats will still eat... probably each other.

Either way, I hope you enjoy the music and thank you for your support.

Mark Bulmer official biography headshot
Mark Bulmer official biography headshot